Spot D Event does not own or organize any event displayed on the website. Events belong to the third parties who are independent to make their own refund policies
The Promoter of the Event is responsible for setting its own terms and conditions, including cancellation and refund policy.
It is the responsibility of the Customer to check the Promoter’s terms and conditions with the Promoter before the purchase of any Tickets/Vouchers.
If the Customer wishes to obtain a refund for a Ticket/Voucher from the Promoter, Spot D Event will forward on any such requests to the Promoter. Spot D Event shall not be liable to the Customer for any refunds.
If a Customer requests a refund from a Promoter, the Promoter shall process such request in good faith and in accordance with its terms and conditions that it had in place at the time the Customer purchased the Ticket(s)/Voucher(s) in question.

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